Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Top 3 Tips For Packing Light


In only just a few days my family and I are taking a road trip to  Denver Colorado for about a week. So I figured why not share with you guys my top 3 tips for packing light for road trips or traveling in general.So that the next time your going on a road trip,backpacking or just trying to pack light for your next trip you can have an idea of what you can do to achieve just that!
Pack Light
 When your traveling you obviously want to pack light.So to pack light you need a decent size bag to carry your things depending on how long your going to be on your trip should also factor into your decision,I would recommend just a normal backpack that you would use for school or to work for a week long trip such as mine.
 Research The Weather
When you are packing it is always good to look at the weather in the area you are going to be staying, and also look at what the weather was the past weeks.So than you have a general idea of what you should pack.Keep in mind you don't want to over pack,you want to have almost the bear minimum when your traveling.So if it looks like it is cold just bring pants.And by some chance it become uncontrollably hot you can just buy shorts or cut your pants!
Take Your Time
If your like me and you need to not only take clothing but electronics as well such as cameras,computer and the chargers but you don't want to have to bring a extra bag.So this is where taking your times comes in, your going to want to take time to not only organize your things but make everything accessible.Because whether your flying over seas or just road tripping,there is nothing worst then not being able to get that camera out in time for that perfect picture,or the charger for your computer before it dies!
So hopefully these tips come in handy when your packing for your next adventure. I know packing light is hard  for some people including myself but trust me when you have less stuff to worry about the better your trip will be! If you have any tips you would like to share feel free to leave a comment I would love to hear them!!
Talk to you guys later! -xZariahx

Thursday, October 1, 2015

DIY Lotion Bars

Recently I talked about skin types and how to care for them and keep them healthy. Soon after I posted that I realized that you may not have money to by skin care products or you feel like it may be a waste of your money. (which in my opinion its not)  So I decided to give you guys a DIY lotion bar that you can us on your face or your arms and legs. I hope this helps you guys out with your skin care routine!
What you will need:
Bees Wax

 Coconut oil 

 Shea Butter

 Coco butter 
Scented oil of your choice.  

A glass jar, cup, or bowl

Something to stir the mixture

Measuring cup 

Container or mold for the bars  

1.Start a pot of boiling water.

 2.Once its boiling put your glass jar in the water. What this is going to do is melt all the oils butters and wax down.

3.As you are melting each item make sure that you stir it quite frequently as you add in each item.

4.Add in your oil as your putting your mixture into the mold and let it cool and then your done.

   I really hope this helps it was really fun to make and if you have any question's feel free to ask.
And if you do these lotion bars tag me in a picture of them on any of my social medias!
Talk to you guys later, Bye !

- xZariahx  


Friday, September 4, 2015

Skin Type

Recently I began a class on make up/skin care and I decided I would share some of the tip and tricks I have learned in the first few lessons! Before I start I wanted to say that I have mix skin,so I have the most experience dealing with that skin type.
Skin Types   

Normal Skin: Normal skin has a healthy flawless appearance. It normally is matte and feels soft/smooth. Sadly enough this is the least common out of all the skin types! If you don't have this skin type, I would recommend you using any moisturizer of your choice and a toner with out alcohol.   

 Mixed/Combination Skin: The Combination skin is usually of uniform color and plump looking with mixed skin you will find that some areas will be oily and others will be dry or just ''normal''. Most of the time the T zone with where its the most oily. I would recommend using Astringent toner on your T zone and hydrating moisturizer all over your face following up with a mattifying powder all over your face for the flawless finish for your foundation.    

 So I hoped this helped you out a little bit on finding your skin type! I guess I will see you guys later!

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Sr Sri Radah Krishna Temple

Just the other day my family and I visited the beautiful Sri Sri Radah Krishna Temple, a local Hindu Temple. When we arrived we where kindly welcomed in. We then started your tour. The tour had us walk up the stairs to the second level he began to talk aboutarma and how if you had good karma you would be reincarnated into something great such as a human or demi god. If you had bad karma you would be reincarnated into something like a pig or snake, once we arrived at the second floor we started to looked at some beautiful photos and statues. As the tour went on the kind man sat us all down and handed us each an instrument, he explained to us that we where all going to play at the same time to the same beat and he would sing. Just after the song ended he asked us to stand and follow him.
He went to each person placing a red mark also known as a tilaka which you can see in this picture, and after he would place a bowl like thing on our head and say a quick prayer. After he was done he then pulled out a small glass, he began to tell us that this is their holy water he stated that this water would help us live past 60 years old. He told us that we would have to put out our pointer finger near our thumb to give our hand a cup like shape. When I drank the water it tasted sweet as if they put rose petals in the water. The tour ended shortly after that. It was amazing to see how they do things and what every little thing in the temple meant and just to experience it all. So I hoped you enjoyed this post like I said before it was really amazing to see. Doing things like this gets me very excited for the future, I can not wait to see the world and meet new people and just over experience new things! 

thanks for reading talk to you later 

Sunday, July 5, 2015

I Am Back For Good

Hey guys! so lately life has been getting some what crazy and busy and I really haven't had time or inspiration for really anything creative. Luckily life has slowed down and I have more free time to do things that I enjoy like blogging and making new videos! Lately I realized that I don't have to have a category with my blog or videos, and that I can just post what ever I feel like. And through out time I will either make my own category or find one I will enjoy and stick to. So for now just look forward to a varity of different posts and videos! I am happy to be back and I can't wait to share more fun things with you guys, so talk to guys later!


Sunday, May 17, 2015

My Amazing Friends

Just a week ago I was in Arizona, and of course that meant that I absolutely had to see my to greatest friends in the world, Emma and Makenzie. So being our normal teenage girl self's we HAD to 1 talking each others ears off and 2 take loads of photos together such as the one you see above, but seeing as I was only able to see them for one day it went by super fast. And now that I have left and that day has past I have realized how grate of friends I really have, even though I left Arizona a year ago they still keep in touch and, I guess the greatest friends are the ones that can be a part for years but when they are together it is like they never where a part. These girl have stuck by my side when I felt like the world was agents me, and they have excepted me for who I am, and I just cant express how much I love them!

thanks for reading this heart felt post iknow it was a little different . I am now at my destination and I am ready to tell you guys all my stories about my adventure so be ready. but for now I will talk to you guys later ! <3


Saturday, April 11, 2015

Our New Adventure!

  Just a few days ago my family and I found out that we are unfortunately leaving New York to go to our next destination. Although I'm very exited for this new adventure I'm also sad that we must leave this amazing state! But that is why I have decided to document the days leading up to the time we arrive at our new destination through blog posts and videos on my YouTube channel! I hope your ready for this crazy new adventure we are about to embark on!

Thanks for reading. See you guys later !<3