Sunday, May 17, 2015

My Amazing Friends

Just a week ago I was in Arizona, and of course that meant that I absolutely had to see my to greatest friends in the world, Emma and Makenzie. So being our normal teenage girl self's we HAD to 1 talking each others ears off and 2 take loads of photos together such as the one you see above, but seeing as I was only able to see them for one day it went by super fast. And now that I have left and that day has past I have realized how grate of friends I really have, even though I left Arizona a year ago they still keep in touch and, I guess the greatest friends are the ones that can be a part for years but when they are together it is like they never where a part. These girl have stuck by my side when I felt like the world was agents me, and they have excepted me for who I am, and I just cant express how much I love them!

thanks for reading this heart felt post iknow it was a little different . I am now at my destination and I am ready to tell you guys all my stories about my adventure so be ready. but for now I will talk to you guys later ! <3


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