Sunday, July 12, 2015

Sr Sri Radah Krishna Temple

Just the other day my family and I visited the beautiful Sri Sri Radah Krishna Temple, a local Hindu Temple. When we arrived we where kindly welcomed in. We then started your tour. The tour had us walk up the stairs to the second level he began to talk aboutarma and how if you had good karma you would be reincarnated into something great such as a human or demi god. If you had bad karma you would be reincarnated into something like a pig or snake, once we arrived at the second floor we started to looked at some beautiful photos and statues. As the tour went on the kind man sat us all down and handed us each an instrument, he explained to us that we where all going to play at the same time to the same beat and he would sing. Just after the song ended he asked us to stand and follow him.
He went to each person placing a red mark also known as a tilaka which you can see in this picture, and after he would place a bowl like thing on our head and say a quick prayer. After he was done he then pulled out a small glass, he began to tell us that this is their holy water he stated that this water would help us live past 60 years old. He told us that we would have to put out our pointer finger near our thumb to give our hand a cup like shape. When I drank the water it tasted sweet as if they put rose petals in the water. The tour ended shortly after that. It was amazing to see how they do things and what every little thing in the temple meant and just to experience it all. So I hoped you enjoyed this post like I said before it was really amazing to see. Doing things like this gets me very excited for the future, I can not wait to see the world and meet new people and just over experience new things! 

thanks for reading talk to you later 

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