Thursday, October 1, 2015

DIY Lotion Bars

Recently I talked about skin types and how to care for them and keep them healthy. Soon after I posted that I realized that you may not have money to by skin care products or you feel like it may be a waste of your money. (which in my opinion its not)  So I decided to give you guys a DIY lotion bar that you can us on your face or your arms and legs. I hope this helps you guys out with your skin care routine!
What you will need:
Bees Wax

 Coconut oil 

 Shea Butter

 Coco butter 
Scented oil of your choice.  

A glass jar, cup, or bowl

Something to stir the mixture

Measuring cup 

Container or mold for the bars  

1.Start a pot of boiling water.

 2.Once its boiling put your glass jar in the water. What this is going to do is melt all the oils butters and wax down.

3.As you are melting each item make sure that you stir it quite frequently as you add in each item.

4.Add in your oil as your putting your mixture into the mold and let it cool and then your done.

   I really hope this helps it was really fun to make and if you have any question's feel free to ask.
And if you do these lotion bars tag me in a picture of them on any of my social medias!
Talk to you guys later, Bye !

- xZariahx  


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