Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Top 3 Tips For Packing Light


In only just a few days my family and I are taking a road trip to  Denver Colorado for about a week. So I figured why not share with you guys my top 3 tips for packing light for road trips or traveling in general.So that the next time your going on a road trip,backpacking or just trying to pack light for your next trip you can have an idea of what you can do to achieve just that!
Pack Light
 When your traveling you obviously want to pack light.So to pack light you need a decent size bag to carry your things depending on how long your going to be on your trip should also factor into your decision,I would recommend just a normal backpack that you would use for school or to work for a week long trip such as mine.
 Research The Weather
When you are packing it is always good to look at the weather in the area you are going to be staying, and also look at what the weather was the past weeks.So than you have a general idea of what you should pack.Keep in mind you don't want to over pack,you want to have almost the bear minimum when your traveling.So if it looks like it is cold just bring pants.And by some chance it become uncontrollably hot you can just buy shorts or cut your pants!
Take Your Time
If your like me and you need to not only take clothing but electronics as well such as cameras,computer and the chargers but you don't want to have to bring a extra bag.So this is where taking your times comes in, your going to want to take time to not only organize your things but make everything accessible.Because whether your flying over seas or just road tripping,there is nothing worst then not being able to get that camera out in time for that perfect picture,or the charger for your computer before it dies!
So hopefully these tips come in handy when your packing for your next adventure. I know packing light is hard  for some people including myself but trust me when you have less stuff to worry about the better your trip will be! If you have any tips you would like to share feel free to leave a comment I would love to hear them!!
Talk to you guys later! -xZariahx

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