Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Photography Tips

Lately I have been really getting into photography (a.k.a getting my Instagram photos up to my standards.) I though I would share a few tips and tricks that I used with taking and editing my photos. 

Taking the photo : 
1. When you proceed in taking a photo it's always best to have your camera settings to square so that you know exactly what to get in your shot.

2. I also look for where the shadows are laying so if you want a clear photo you will want to be on the opposite side from the shadows. 

3. As you take a photo make sure that you take more then one so that you have more options for editing.

Editing the photo:
1. For editing I normally use the app called VSCOcam but you can use whatever you want or have.
2. If your are planning on using a filter it is always best to do the exposure and contrast before you add the filter to your photo so you wont have to do it after.
3. Don't over do the editing you want it to look natural like you didn't even do anything to the photo.

So I hope these tips help, if you have any tips you would like to share feel free to comment them! Also I am leaving a link to my Instagram and if you do use these tips tag me in the photo and I will totally check them out!


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