Monday, March 9, 2015

Ignite Your Creativity

Hey guys so for the past four weeks I have been taking creative thinking classes, and through out these past few weeks I have really seen a difference in the way I ignite my creativity. So I just thought that I would share a few tip to help you guys! 

1. Don't shut down any of your ideas no matter how weird or dumb it may seem. What you need to do is look at it from a different angle and maybe that idea could be amazing if you just put more effort into it!

2. SLEEP! It's literally that easy. Getting enough sleep meaning 7 to 10 hours will help you not only concentrate but also help you produce creative ideas.   

3. If you are like me you will have those days where you want to be super creative but you have NO ideas and for me that is super frustrating. That is the point where you just step back and take a break and come back to that project when you are not as frustrated. 

4. You must know that you are creative. Creativity is something everyone has whether it is solving an everyday problem you have or creating something just for fun!

5. You must except the fact that you will fail or that things may not be perfect. Failing is one of the steps to improving the things you are creating. But just because you failed the first time does not mean to give up!   

These are only just a few of the things I have come to realize with these classes, but I would say these are some of the most important things to keep in mind. Thanks for reading this post I hope this helps and I will see you guys later ! <3


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