Sunday, February 1, 2015


Just a little while ago I was doing my normal internet browsing, and I came across a test to see if you're an introvert or extrovert. According to the test I am an introvert.The test stated that there is a 28% chance that in a group of people I will socialize. A 28% out of 100, I didn't really know if I should have been worried about this so I did a little more research, turns out that most introverts are exactly as I am. Basically an introvert is a person who is energized by being alone and whose energy is drained by being around other people. But I also noticed that extroverts are often considered the "normal", Unfortunately people think that in order to excel in life you must be a social butterfly or be good in large crowds of people, but actually some of the greatest people are introverts such as, Abraham Lincoln, Albert Einstein, and Emma Watson . All of which have done very well for themselves. Once again as I was looking through things about Introverts, it stated that most introverts are shy or not very out going, to which is not entirely true. Being shy or not outgoing is actually part of a confidence problem, where one may be scared of what others may think of what they say or do. Introverts are known for always being inside of there head. For me, when I do go into a daze I am normally just thinking of what to say and what could happen if I did say what I was thinking. I am not in anyway trying to prove that Introverts are better then Extroverts to be honest my best friend is a Extrovert and she is amazing. All I want to do is bring Introverts into a new light and show that it is not weird or abnormal to behave this way in certain scenarios.
I've included the link to the test I took but feel free to use different one. Also leave a comment saying if your an introvert or extrovert i would love to know.

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