Saturday, April 4, 2015

Lemon and egg face mask

This week my mother and I decided to have a pamper day, so we automatically went to Pinterest  to help us out! As we where looking we came across a face mask that pulls out oil and reduces blackheads and so we decided to try it. So here is what we did to make this face mask !

Hand mixer
Brush to paint the mask on your face

Fresh Lemon 
2 eggs per mask 

Step 1 

Separate the egg whites from the egg yokes.You will only be using the egg whites for this mask.

Step 2

Whip egg whites till they become a shaving cream like texture.

Step 3 

Add 1Tbsp of lemon juice.


When you apply it's all up to you as to how much you want to put on, I did a fairly thick mask and it was amazing !

So I hope you guys enjoyed this post I had a lot of fun taking the photos and of course trying out the face mask! Also I finely added a follow button so if you want go and follow me! See you guys later! <3


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