Saturday, April 11, 2015

Our New Adventure!

  Just a few days ago my family and I found out that we are unfortunately leaving New York to go to our next destination. Although I'm very exited for this new adventure I'm also sad that we must leave this amazing state! But that is why I have decided to document the days leading up to the time we arrive at our new destination through blog posts and videos on my YouTube channel! I hope your ready for this crazy new adventure we are about to embark on!

Thanks for reading. See you guys later !<3

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Lemon and egg face mask

This week my mother and I decided to have a pamper day, so we automatically went to Pinterest  to help us out! As we where looking we came across a face mask that pulls out oil and reduces blackheads and so we decided to try it. So here is what we did to make this face mask !

Hand mixer
Brush to paint the mask on your face

Fresh Lemon 
2 eggs per mask 

Step 1 

Separate the egg whites from the egg yokes.You will only be using the egg whites for this mask.

Step 2

Whip egg whites till they become a shaving cream like texture.

Step 3 

Add 1Tbsp of lemon juice.


When you apply it's all up to you as to how much you want to put on, I did a fairly thick mask and it was amazing !

So I hope you guys enjoyed this post I had a lot of fun taking the photos and of course trying out the face mask! Also I finely added a follow button so if you want go and follow me! See you guys later! <3